This model is no longer manufactured and is replaced by NetControl 8R2S1A.
This model is designed for general purpose use for remote control and measuring trough Internet. It has 8 relay channels witn NO (normal open) contacts that can switch up to 250VAC/5A. Relays are combined in two groups with common power, which allows simultaneous switching of different voltages (e.g. 220VAC and 12VDC). In each group there is one channel with access to its NC (normal closed) contact.
Input-output channels in NetControl 8R1T1A:
switch on-off/reboot (normal close relay contact) of up to 8pcs appliances for up to 5A/220VAC (with ability of automatic reboot on PING lost to up to 8 IP address)
measurŠµment of rack/cabinet temperature or humidity (with external sensor TDS300 or HDS300)
integrated "theremoregulator" mode between temperature sensor and of the relay channels
alarm input (for mechanical contact/button) for signalization (SNMP trap) of rack/cabinet burglary
- plastic case dimensions 118x72x35mm
Basic network function (for more see user manual)
10 BASE-T Ethernet (NO CrossOver Autodetect);
Supported protocols ARP/DHCP/ICMP/TCP/IP/SNMP/TFTP client/WEB server
802.1q VLAN support
SNMPv1 (ONLY snmpget/snmpset) protocol for access to all parameters and functions;
SNMP traps generation on input change;
Output signal generation on analog input change;
WEB access to all parameters and functions;
TFTP client for firmware update
- Reboot (automatic on PING lost/manual) of hung home network equipment (ADSL modem, routers, APs)
"Internet controlled power socket" for 220VAC with 8 sockets
- general purpose 8 channel relay module with Web/SNMP control
IP guarding
IP thermometer and thermoregulator; IP humidity meter
Application notes
User manual, specs and SNMP MIB
Latest firmware image (also publicly available by TFTP at
IMPORTANT! Before updating, please read "FirmwareRevisionHistory.txt" from archive for information on how the new version will affect your current settings!
Software releases with special functions
Please, read the supplied documents before usage!
Firmware "ModbusMaster"
Please, read description file first, before using this firmware.